Monthly Archives: April 2013

Rare Item Monday!

Hi funbloggers/jammers!

So if you didn’t know, today is Rare Monday in Animal Jam!

Like every week on Monday, there is a rare item in the catalog. This week the rare item is in the land clothing catalog. Though the item, is very special. It’s the returning, and most demanding item, A… FOX HAT!

Luckly, it is for members and non-members, but it’s really pricey. The price is 1,250 gems!! So expensive!! 😦

So, if you can, try to get the fox hats! Remember, you can only buy em’ today! 🙂

Funny Fun!


Q: Why did the elephant cross the road?

A: Because the chicken was on vacation!

Q: What’s the difference between chopped pork and pea soup?

A: You can chop chopped pork, but you can’t pea soup!

Q: What time do you go to the dentist?

A: Two-thirty (tooth hurty!)

Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Writing Fun!

Summer Sun

I see the summer sun appearing in the sky, way up high.

The summer sun’s bright, light, luminous glow, sparkles on the green grass of the meadow.

On the beach, the summer sun heats the sand. I feel it in my hand.

Between the months of June and July, the summer sun flies by.

Sidekix Plushies on Animal Jam!

Hi funbloggers/jammers!

Many of you know about the new sidekix plushies on Animal Jam! For the people who don’t, sidekix plushies are special plushies that are vurtual, and real life plushies Animal Jam created. Both kinds of plushies have the special AJ symbol on it, and turn into a ball when you click on the vurtual plushie. The real life plushies can turn into a ball too, just not by clicking on it (duh!)

When you buy the sidekick plushies in real life from the Animal Jam Outfitters, it comes with a code that lets you redeem the plushie.

My friend is getting a sidekick plushie, and there may be a picture of one on the blog soon.

So remember to check out the all new sidekick plushies!

Earth Day! (continued)

Hi funbloggers! My last couple of posts were about Earth Day and so is this.

This is basicly a reminder that today, April 22, 2013, is Earth Day!

Like I said, I hope you use the tips I gave you, and to have a Happy Earth Day! 

Bike to School Week!

Hi funbloggers! This post involves my last post about Earth Day. All next week from April 22nd, which is Earth Day, to April 26th, is Bike to School Week, and April 24th is Bike to School Day!

If you don’t have a bike, it’s okay if you walk. But if your like me and you’re not able to do eather, then, like I said in my last post, try to carpool.

I hope you bike, walk, or carpool to school next week! 🙂 

Earth Day!

As you know, Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd! Though, shouldn’t everyday be Earth Day? Anyway it’s a day to protect our planet and to BE GREEN! Like we should everyday. Here are a few ways to be green:

-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Compost! Use the green and blue bin, not the grey bin!

-Walk, Bike, or Carpool! If you can, please walk or bike, but if you have to use a car, try to carpool.

-Don’t spend to much time on the computer, TV, or iPod! Try reading a book, or go outside and play!

I hope you use these tips, and Happy Earth Day 2013!

Shout Outs!

Hey funbloggers! If you enjoy Sophie’s FunBlog, then I think you’ll enjoy my friends blog, Animal Blog 101.

We post similar stuff, like Animal Jam and Club Penguin.

You can find this awesome blog, at

So what are you waiting for? Go check out Animal Blog 101 today!


Also, if you enjoy Writing Fun in my blog, then you should visit my Grandma’s blog, What Ever Comes Along.

She posts about beautiful poetry, and it’s very interesting. I do enjoy it, and I think you would too. One of my poems is on her blog.

Please visit the blog, at today. 🙂