Monthly Archives: October 2013

Do u wanna have your photo on the blog?

HeyHey FunBloggahz!

So, a little while ago I had an idea that you could have your own photos on the blog, and then my idea was brought back from one of adybell’s posts on her blog Fashionista Ballerina! Hopefully she doesn’t think I’m copying her, because I really don’t wanna copy, but just saying I had this idea before she posted that post on her blog. I guess we had the same idea! Okay, you guys are probably really confused and just wanna know what the idea is. Well, here’s the idea!

On Instagram only, if you tag a photo of yours with #sophiesfunblog, you wanna have that photo on the blog! There’s no deadline, and feel free to do as many as u want 2! Note: please make sure they’re appropriate for the blog. Thnx!

Hopefully people will do this activity, and have fun! If you have comments or questions, leave a comment below!

🙂 FunBlogging!

Funni Fun!

HiHi FunBloggers!

I know it’s been forever since I last posted any jokes. So, I found some jokes, (many of them are kinda cheesy,) but hopefully u’ll enjoy them! 🙂

1.  Q: What would you eat while watching a scary movie?

A: I scream!

2.  Q: Why was the car always sleepy?

A: Because it was tired!

3.  Q: What did the hamburgers name their daughter?

A: Patty!

4.  Q: Who eats at underwater restaurants?

A: Scuba-diners!

5.  Q: Why couldn’t the elephant use the computer?

A: He was afraid of the mouse!

6.  Q: What do you do when your fish sounds bad?

A: Tune-a-fish!

What do you think of these jokes? If you have any that haven’t been posted on the blog, feel free to leave them in the comments, and they may just end up on the blog!

🙂 FunBlogging!